Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research seeks papers for an upcoming special issue that explores the topics of race and policy in the realm of housing. The issue, entitled “Race and Policy: 50 Years after the Fair Housing Act” is being edited by Vincent Reina, Assistant Professor in City and Regional Planning at Penn Design, and Susan Wachter, Sussman Professor of Real Estate at The Wharton School and Co-Director of the Penn Institute for Urban Research.

The Fair Housing Act turns 50 years old in 2018, however there is an abundance of evidence that shows continued need to remove barriers to equal access to housing, credit, high performing schools, and other amenities. Submitted abstracts should address questions about: the measurement of discrimination across space and time; and policies that relate to (i) (de)segregation, (ii) neighborhood access and (iii) wealth building.

Please send an abstract of your paper to Cara Griffin,, by March 15, 2018. The abstracts should be 2-3 pages long, focused on one of the above areas, and include mention of the following topics: (i) a summary of recent and relevant research; (ii) key findings produced by the paper; and (iii) implications for future policy. 

Authors of the selected abstracts will be notified on April 15, 2018 and will be expected to submit their completed papers by July 15, 2018. All articles in this special issue will be subject to the standard peer-review process for publication in Cityscape.