
Yongheng Deng

Image of Yongheng Deng

Yongheng Deng

Professor and the John P. Morgridge Distinguished Chair in Business, Wisconsin School of Business Chair of the Department of Real Estate and Urban Land Economics, Wisconsin School of Business Director of the Global Real Estate Masters Program (GREM), Wisconsin School of Business

Yongheng Deng is a Professor and the John P. Morgridge Distinguished Chair in Business, Chair of the Department of Real Estate and Urban Land Economics, and Director of the Global Real Estate Masters Program (GREM), at the Wisconsin School of Business, University of Wisconsin – Madison. Professor Deng is the recipient of the 2021 Erwin A. Gaumnitz Distinguished Faculty Research Award in the Wisconsin School of Business.

Before joining the Wisconsin School of Business, Professor Deng served as a Provost’s Chair Professor of Real Estate and Finance, Director of the Institute of Real Estate Studies, and Head of the Department of Real Estate, at the National University of Singapore (NUS). He was also a Professor in the Department of Finance at NUS Business School, and Director of the Lifecycle Financing Research Program at NUS Global Asia Institute.

Professor Deng has also been a Professor at the University of Southern California (USC), School of Policy, Planning and Development, and the Marshall School of Business. He was an Economist and Expert in the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO) – a financial regulator overseeing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac – in Washington DC.

Professor Deng has chaired the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Real Estate, and also served as a Vice-Chair of the Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Financing and Capital, Co-Chair of UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (UN SDSN), Singapore Chapter.

He has served as the 50th President of the American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association (AREUEA), the first Asian to be elected President in the Association’s 50-year history.

Professor Deng holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of California at Berkeley, and is a PostDoc Fellow in the Wharton Real Estate Center, The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

Professor Deng’s research pertains to a wide variety of issues in real estate finance, housing and urban economics worldwide, including asset pricing and risk analysis focusing on the mortgage, mortgage-backed security and real estate capital markets; econometric analysis of competing risks of mortgage prepayment and default with unobserved heterogeneity; climate change risks and revaluation of the real estate markets; sustainable development; political economy and policy analysis of the housing markets in China and Asia.

Professor Deng has published his research works in leading economics and finance journals such as Econometrica, Journal of Financial Economics, Management Science, Review of Finance, Journal of Urban Economics, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, China Economic Review, European Economic Review, Capitalism and Society, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Real Estate Economics, Journal of Housing Economics, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, International Real Estate Review, Journal of Money Credit and Banking, and Pacific-Basin Finance Journal.

His research works have also been cited by major media worldwide, including Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Economist Magazine, Telegraph, Forbes, People’s Daily, and more.