Event Recap

Please join course instructors Yining Lei and Travis Decaminada for a virtual drop-in information session on the Spring 2023 Undergraduate Urban Research Colloquium (UURC). 

The Undergraduate Urban Research Colloquium {UURC) is a semester-long, credit-bearing seminar that includes $2,000 of funding support for a joint research project with a faculty or doctoral student mentor. Students from all four Penn undergraduate schools are eligible to participate. UURC student-faculty collaborations have yielded publications in refereed journals, leveraged other research funding, and prepared undergraduates to pursue original research at the graduate level. This is a great opportunity for undergraduate students to conduct real-world urban research. 

There is no advanced registration required. The Zoom link to join the meeting is here

If you are interested in the course or have any additional inquiries, please e-mail yiningl@design.upenn.edu and tdec@design.upenn.edu. For more information on the program and examples of previous projects, go here.