Event Recap

On September 28, Penn IUR participated in Penn in Latin America and the Caribbean’s (PLAC) 4th Annual Conference: “Climate Change, Resilience, and Environmental Justice in Latin America and the Caribbean.” Penn IUR Co-Director Eugénie Birch served on the event’s steering committee.

PLAC seeks to promote interaction and collaboration across Penn Schools, and the day-long conference aimed to investigate climate change as it relates to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the projected mean warming for Latin America to the end of the century ranges from 1 to 4°C. This warming, already experienced through more frequent extreme weather events, has major social, political, economic, environmental, health, and financial implications.

The conference focused on how the region is tackling these complex challenges and resiliency initiatives to overcome catastrophic weather-related events and protect its most vulnerable populations. Gonzalo Casaravilla, President of Uruguay Power Authority, delivered the event’s keynote speech, entitled "Planning, Development and Management of the Uruguayan New Electric Energy Matrix."