Event Recap

Jonathan Sinker, who works for JMT Technologies, spoke at the October MUSA Brown Bag Lunch. He discussed his favorite projects at his previous job, working with the City of Philadelphia’s department of Health, including Bike crash analysis using kernel density; pedestrian crash analysis, using the Penn DOT crash data; and health Chinese takeout analysis, using data from PASDA, the online resource database created by Penn State University. He then discussed his current work with JMT Technology Group, a consulting firm that works on software development and enterprise content management, in addition to geographic information systems. Currently, Jonathan works with GIS to create interactive data bases for information collection. A recent project he worked on allowed field collectors to use GIS in the field to gather information about historic building with high detail, including photos, building details, and more, to create a fine-grained map of New Jersey’s historic building stock. He also discussed important nuances of GIS including making collectors, GeoForms, caching imagery, and creating friction rosters using street data.