Event Recap

The seventh annual conference of the Philadelphia Global Water Initiative, co-sponsored by Penn IUR, was held at Drexel University on April 10, 2014. The conference title was “Urban Water Solutions in the Developing World — Sustainable Services and Just Policies for the Poor.” International keynote speakers included Kusum Athukorala, Women for Water Partnership [Sri Lanka], and Janine Cooper, Representative to the African Union, Economic Commission for Africa. Panelists will include representatives from the World Bank, the US Agency for International Development [USAID], and the US Environmental Protection Agency [USEPA]. The conference provided insights to technical, financial, and institutional issues in providing water and sanitation services to a rapidly-urbanizing world. Special attention was given to the United Nation’s efforts of developing global post-2015 goals, especially for the poor in urban and peri-urban areas.For more information visit http://pgwi.org/.