
Anthony (Tony) Sorrentino

Image of Anthony (Tony) Sorrentino

Anthony (Tony) Sorrentino

Assistant Vice President, Office of the Executive Vice President, University of Pennsylvania

Tony Sorrentino has been promoted to Assistant Vice President, Office of the Executive Vice President. EVP Craig Carnaroli said, “This well-deserved promotion is based on Tony’s stellar contributions in developing and executing marketing and communications strategies to promote key elements of the Penn Compact and Penn Compact 2020 as well as his strong support in managing the Office of the Executive Vice President.” Mr. Sorrentino joined the Office as director in 2006, was promoted to executive director in 2009, and has assumed increasing responsibilities related to goal setting/evaluation and organizational development.

Mr. Carnaroli added, “With respect to marketing and communications, Tony has played a valuable role in developing and coordinating strategies both within the EVP divisions as well as more broadly across the University. In 2006, Tony formed the EVP Communications Group (consisting of the marketing and communications professionals across the EVP divisions) to coordinate the timing and consistency of communication strategy to promote Penn as a well managed institution, and a good institutional citizen. This group has evolved into a very effective body that now includes communications professionals from areas outside the EVP Division. Through the collaborative efforts of this Group, Tony annually produces a comprehensive EVP Marketing, Communications and Public Affairs Plan.”

In addition, Mr. Sorrentino has had a leadership role in developing communication strategy for a number of University initiatives including Penn Connects and the Climate Action Plan. In both 2011 and 2015, he led the production and developed messaging for the widely heralded University Economic Impact report. He is also an effective collaborator, having contributed positively to a wide variety of initiatives ranging from the University-wide Staff Engagement Survey to the Provost’s Council on the Arts. In the past year, he built a unique partnership between Visit Philadelphia and the Office of Undergraduate Admissions to help showcase Philadelphia as an asset in recruiting students to Penn, including the creation of the Penn’s first emoji as part of Quaker Days.

Mr. Sorrentino has a passion for city planning and economic development, and holds a Master of City Planning degree from Penn Design. He is a strong collaborator with the Penn Institute for Urban Research, and developed an anchor institution summit that brought together leaders from peer universities to share best practices and challenges. He, along with his colleagues from Penn’s Netter Center, also represents Penn on the Anchor Institutions Task Force, which advises the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) on ways HUD could increase its impact and strategically leverage anchor institutions, particularly higher education and medical institutions, to improve communities and help solve significant urban problems.

In addition, Mr. Sorrentino has played a critical role in advancing the University’s innovation strategy through both his role on the initial working group studying the potential uses of the former Dupont Marshall Labs and, most recently, in the development and promotion of the Pennovation Works campus.

Finally, “Tony consistently demonstrates a wide range of skills including media relations, developing and producing executive level presentations and videos, and the negotiation of sponsorships and advertising contracts. He also effectively administers and coordinates the activities of the EVP office. Whether speaking to student groups or alumni gatherings, Tony is the consummate Penn promoter and advocate,” Mr. Carnaroli noted.