Simon Mosbah

Image of Simon Mosbah

Simon Mosbah

Managing Director, Economics, Finance and Grants, WSP

Simon Mosbah is a Managing Director, Economics, Finance and Grants with WSP in Washington D.C., in the U.S. Advisory Services Group, focusing on transit project development and finance. He holds a Ph.D. in City and Regional Planning from the University of Pennsylvania. His dissertation focused on airports, airport expansions and employment in U.S. metropolitan areas. He published an article on the topic of airports and economic development in the Journal of Planning Literature, with Dr. Megan Ryerson: “Can US Metropolitan Areas Use Large Commercial Airports as Tools to Bolster Regional Economic Growth?”. He worked on the Sustainable Communities Indicators Catalog, a project between the Penn Institute for Urban Research and the Partnership for Sustainable Communities (U.S. Department of Transportation, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department for Housing and Urban Development) between 2013 and 2015, with Dr. Eugenie Birch as PI and funding by the Ford Foundation. He was specifically responsible for the selection and definition of transportation indicators for the catalog. Originally from France, Simon is a graduate of the Sorbonne (majoring in Classics, with minors in History and Linguistics), and the Ecole Normale Superieure; he holds an MBA from ESSEC Business School (majoring in Corporate Finance and Diversity Management). He previously worked as a business strategy consultant in France, specializing in rail transportation, and taught French at Amherst College (Massachusetts).

Simon Mosbah's Current Initiatives