The following list is a curated collection of news articles on cities and the coronavirus pandemic featuring contributions from Penn IUR Affiliates. The list is updated on a weekly basis. Follow @PennIUR on Twitter and #CitiesandContagion for daily updates. Please contact Maxwell Donnewald at with story suggestions. To access the Penn IUR Cities and COVID-19 Resource Library, please visit:

April 24, 2021—"Formerly redlined neighborhoods, subjected to decades of racist policies leading to disinvestment and decline, have the least amount of green space today," says Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Eugenia South

April 7, 2021— "As healthcare institutions, if we want to actually achieve health equity, we must acknowledge past and present harms while simultaneously doing the work to move forward," says Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Eugenia South

March 23, 2021—"Higher education has a responsibility to help assure that democracy is not a casualty of the pandemic," says Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Ira Harkavy

March 22, 2021—"Our housing affordability crisis doesn't go away once we dole out all of this assistance to households," says Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Vincent Reina

March 19, 2021—"The pandemic has reversed any recovery in wealth disparities from the last economic crisis," says Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Camille Charles

March 18, 2021—"The way we need to respond is a whole-of-society approach, and having the world consider this question is maybe the most important thing we could do," says Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Harvey Rubin

March 11, 2021—“The support coming from home equity is unparalleled in helping smooth out the degradations from Covid," says Penn IUR Co-Director Susan Wachter

March 2, 2021—“Contact tracing has been a critical tool in infectious disease epidemiology for many years and is really showing its value during COVID,” says Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Jennifer Pinto Martin

February 26, 2021— "We think that we’ll have [all hospital staff] vaccinated by the end of February — maybe March," says Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Harvey Rubin, via @dailypenn

February 15, 2021—Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Dennis Culhane and other experts across the University discuss the details and challenges of COVID-19 vaccine distribution

February 3, 2021—More assistance is necessary, both to aid renters and to help landlords survive," says Penn IUR Scholar Stefanie DeLuca

February 2, 2021—"As the pandemic continues to rage and disproportionately affect lower income communities, we must plan transit to center the mobility needs of the most vulnerable," says Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Megan Ryerson

January 29, 2021—"This is incredibly alarming that the communities and people who are hardest hit by COVID are the least likely to be getting vaccinated," says Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Eugenia South

January 26, 2021—"Now is the time to prioritize the needs of people of color, essential workers, and particularly our communities that have been significantly, economically hurt by the pandemic," says Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Megan Ryerson

January 22, 2021—"Let’s normalize hesitancy to take a new vaccine. Shaming people who have questions will not encourage uptake," writes Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Eugenia South

January 22, 2021—"The typical delinquent renter will owe $5,600 as they will be almost four months behind on their monthly rent of $1,130 and utilities of $290," says Penn IUR Fellow Mark Zandi

January 21, 2021—"The Black community has been hit incredibly hard since the start of the pandemic — both with the illness itself and the social and economic fallout," says Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Eugenia South

January 12, 2020—"These are households that clearly showed distress before," says Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Vincent Reina

January 12, 2021—"I think the economy will respond pretty strongly, and we’ll see a strong rebound," says Penn IUR Fellow Raphael Bostic

January 8, 2021—“I’m hopeful and will be urging with as much vigor and force as I can muster that the incoming administration make fast and radical changes to the distribution plan,” says Penn IUR Advisory Board Member Marc Morial

December 21, 2020—Though the latest COVID-19 relief bill represents "a good bridge" to the Biden administration, "a lot more building needs to be done to avoid an eviction crisis," says Penn IUR Fellow Mark Zandi

December 17, 2020—“We don’t simply need to rebound,” says Penn IUR Fellow Paul Levy. “We were a high-poverty city — we need to do much better."

December 15, 2020— "Without these dedicated workers, the system would not serve to shut down transmission rapidly and keep the campus community safe," says Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Jennifer Pinto Martin

December 15, 2020—"We’ve consistently created programs where owners have ultimate veto power over whether a tenant can access the housing assistance that they’ve applied for and need," says Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Vincent Reina

December 10, 2020—"They didn’t realize that they had been excluded from viruses, which happened because insurers excluded this coverage following the SARS epidemic," says Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Howard Kunreuther

December 9, 2020—"The economic damage created by this pandemic will be many times more severe if we lose faith that the government has our back," says Penn IUR Fellow Mark Zandi

December 8, 2020—“The labor market recovery was probably faster than many of us thought in May, June, July, but now it’s really slowing," says Penn IUR Scholar Harry Holzer

December 7, 2020—"It’s much better for Congress to err on the side of helping too much than too little," says Penn IUR Fellow Mark Zandi

December 4, 2020—“The Philadelphia business story absolutely tracks the COVID narrative,” says Penn IUR Fellow Paul Levy

December 1, 2020—"It’s not about density, what really matters is how density is managed," says Penn IUR Fellow Sameh Wahba

December 1, 2020—“This is not going to be dramatic, and it’s not going to be a reversal of the trends that have been seen over the past 10 or so years,” says Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Jessie Handbury

December 1, 2020—"A lot of small businesses are in serious trouble…. So, there is a real need for some type of public-private partnership, with insurers playing a role, but not the full role," says Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Howard Kunreuther

December 1, 2020—“Their revenues are down, their expenses are up, so they are in deep trouble,” says Penn IUR Co-Director Eugenie Birch

November 26, 2020—The Biden administration's most pressing task "is to contain the raging COVID-19 pandemic and provide support for the tens of millions of Americans whose finances are being wrecked," says Penn IUR Fellow Mark Zandi

November 22, 2020—“We all need to think of ourselves as engaged in this challenge to prevent as many new cases as we can prevent while awaiting those vaccines, and it won’t be forever,” says Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Carolyn Cannuscio

November 21, 2020—The 1918 flu pandemic "wouldn’t have lasted as long as it did or been as deadly if people had been keeping to themselves,” says Penn IUR Faculty Fellow David Barnes

November 19, 2020—“In the pandemic, nothing has been more surprising—positively surprising—than single-family housing,” says Penn IUR Fellow Mark Zandi

November 19, 2020—Adapting the field of design to the #COVID19 pandemic represents a “dress rehearsal” for future disruptions caused by climate change, says Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Daniel Barber

November 18, 2020—"Today there can be no solution without focusing on New York City, not just because of its size but because of its centrality to the nation’s economy," says Penn IUR Fellow Richard Ravitch

November 13, 2020—"When there are less people on the road, you can go faster. And that really impacts the fatality rate,” says Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Erick Guerra

November 3, 2020—"A distinct and persistent feature in downtowns is their high density of restaurants,” says Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Jessie Handbury. “It’s the feature that attracts people to downtowns—especially the young and college educated.”

November 2, 2020—"We are going through a great urban reset," says Penn IUR Scholar Richard Florida

October 30, 2020—The economic downturn resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic poses "a far worse problem for low-income renters than the Great Financial Crisis," says Penn IUR Co-Director Susan Wachter

October 28, 2020—“On the curve to recovery, we’re about a month ahead of Manhattan. This will be a slow and gradual process, but we’re committed to the long haul,” says Penn IUR Fellow Paul Levy

October 26, 2020—The COVID-19 pandemic “is an event that struck right at the heart of New York’s comparative advantages,” says Penn IUR Fellow Mark Zandi

October 18, 2020—"People will return to workplaces when it feels safe, because they miss their colleagues, the conversations, gossip and all the amenities that a city can offer," says Penn IUR Fellow Paul Levy

October 16, 2020—The Housing Initiative at Penn, led by Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Vincent Reina, will monitor the results of rental assistance programs in six US cities

October 14, 2020—"The longer we wait to provide that additional support the more likely the recovery from the economy is going to stall out and backtrack," says Penn IUR Fellow Mark Zandi

October 13, 2020— "We have a broken testing system, and that sets us up for failure in contact tracing," says Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Carolyn Cannuscio

October 8, 2020—Homeowners impacted by COVID-19 “may not know they are eligible for forbearance or do know, but wrongly fear having to make double payments when the forbearance period ends,” writes Penn IUR Fellow Laurie Goodman

October 7, 2020—"Americans are seeing the interconnectedness of what happens in Black, Latinx, and indigenous communities and the health and well-being of America,” says Penn IUR Fellow Angela Glover Blackwell

September 29, 2020—“If we can break chains of transmission and slow this down,” says Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Carolyn Cannuscio, “we can buy ourselves time”

September 24, 2020—A new data tracker by Penn IUR Scholar Raj Chetty shows a neighborhood-by-neighborhood view of the COVID-19 economy

September 23, 2020—"With relief running out there is a pretty significant chance that some of the temporary disruption and dislocation can become permanent," says Penn IUR Fellow Raphael Bostic

September 23, 2020—A new paper by Penn IUR Fellow Tim Bartik discusses the potential role of federal block grants in helping distressed communities recover from the COVID-19 pandemic

September 22, 2020—The high COVID-19 transmission rate in urban areas "is not about population density per se but about how that density is managed,” says Penn IUR Fellow Sameh Wahba

September 17, 2020—"We’re the first economy to suffer when things go off the rails, and the last to see improvement when things get back on track, hindering us in good times and bad," says Penn IUR Fellow Mark Zandi

September 16, 2020—"Cities have had the power to draw, and will continue to have that power to draw job growth," says Penn IUR Co-Director Susan Wachter

September 10, 2020—Federal protections for homeowners amid the COVID-19 pandemic have turned homeownership into "a piggy bank like none other at this moment in time," says Penn IUR Co-Director @Susan_Wachter

September 8, 2020—Slow COVID-19 test results can undermine economic recovery efforts by forcing workers to stay home, says Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Carolyn Cannuscio

August 19, 2020—Changes in the global economy amid the COVID-19 pandemic are "mostly an intensification of trends" already long underway, says Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Mauro Guillen

August 18, 2020—Mass telecommuting enabled by the COVID-19 pandemic could allow the Bay Area tech industry to redistribute across "neighborhood nodes," says Penn IUR Co-Director Susan Wachter

August 14, 2020—"The American people are seeing—many for the first time—the stark and deadly results of racism on an enormous scale," says Penn IUR Advisory Board Member Marc Morial

August 13, 2020—Lack of access to COVID-19 testing and slow turnaround times are exacerbating the difficulties of contact tracing, says Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Carolyn Cannuscio

August 10, 2020—Penn IUR Faculty Fellows Dennis Culhane, Amy Hillier, and Ken Steif discuss the history of mapping and the role of geographic information systems in the effort to contain the COVID-19 pandemic

August 5, 2020—Beneficiaries of the federal government's expanded unemployment payments "spend every penny of the support very quickly on necessities that generate other economic activity and jobs," says Penn IUR Fellow Mark Zandi

July 23, 2020—While job losses due to COVID-19 have been registered in every US demographic, Black men have been disproportionately impacted by pandemic-related unemployment, says Penn IUR Emerging Scholar Peter Q. Blair

July 21, 2020—Temporary relocations caused by the #COVID19 pandemic could become permanent for many US workers if remote working arrangements are normalized, says Penn IUR Scholar Dowell Myers

July 21, 2020— Permanent remote working measures in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic could change the character of superstar cities in the US, say Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Gilles Duranton and Penn IUR Scholar Edward Glaeser

July 16, 2020—Despite a record level of mortgages falling into delinquency since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, historically low interest rates may present a unique opportunity to first-time home buyers, says Penn IUR Fellow Laurie Goodman

July 11, 2020—Absent rental assistance measures, the COVID-19 pandemic will likely lead to "increased levels of eviction, increased levels of housing instability, increased levels of homelessness," says Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Vincent Reina

July 10, 2020—Extending increased unemployment assistance and enhanced SNAP benefits will be essential to mitigate the economic hardship caused by COVID-19, say Penn IUR Fellow Mark Zandi and Penn IUR Scholar Raj Chetty, via

July 9, 2020—"Cities are a relic of the industrial age," says Penn IUR Scholar Richard Florida. "They have to be redesigned to be healthier and safer."

July 9, 2020—Racial disparities in education, housing, and healthcare outcomes "long predate COVID-19, but it’s clear that the implications of each have been made starker by the coronavirus," says Penn IUR Fellow Andrew Haughwout

July 6, 2020—How the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting the US economy, and the role Penn IUR Fellow Raphael Bostic thinks the Atlanta Fed can play in recovery efforts

July 6, 2020—With evictions resuming in many US cities, COVID-19 is revealing “an extraordinary story of haves and have nots, where the system is set up to support homeowners, but it doesn’t protect renters,” says Penn IUR Co-Director Susan Wachter

July 1, 2020—“The state and local budget problem, due to the pandemic, is very large,” says Penn IUR Fellow Tim Bartik, “and if substantial federal aid is not coming, it will do serious damage to the economic recovery"

June 30, 2020— The COVID-19 pandemic is accelerating preexisting trends in the global economy, says Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Mauro Guillen

June 25, 2020—The COVID-19 pandemic may alter city life, but fear of future contagion is not likely to cause an urban exodus, says Penn IUR Scholar Richard Florida

June 25, 2020—As Penn IUR Fellow Mark Zandi noted in a recent briefing hosted by Penn IUR and the Volcker Alliance on the looming state budgeting crisis, a dollar of federal aid to local governments returns $1.40 to the US economy

June 22, 2020—With the COVID-19 pandemic increasing the likelihood of an economic crisis, research by Penn IUR Scholar Rebecca Diamond finds that foreclosures have long-lasting negative impacts on the well-being of homeowners

June 20, 2020—Tips from Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Carolyn Cannuscio on how to form and maintain an effective COVID-19 social bubble

June 17, 2020—"Anybody who claims to believe in the quest for racial justice should do everything possible to prevent the harms of the COVID-19 pandemic," says Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Carolyn Cannuscio

June 15, 2020—An effective COVID-19 contact tracer combines rigorous detective work with empathy and emotional intelligence, says Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Carolyn Cannuscio

June 14, 2020—The US economy is being restructured by the COVID-19 pandemic, says Penn IUR Fellow Mark Zandi, and small retail businesses are likely to see the greatest losses

June 8, 2020— If state and local governments are forced to cut spending in the absence of federal aid, a temporary economic slump caused by the COVID-19 pandemic could transform into a recession, says Penn IUR Fellow Mark Zandi

June 6, 2020—The economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic is disproportionately impacting workers without a college degree, says Penn IUR Scholar Anthony P. Carnevale

June 4, 2020— Restricted operation of social services and unequal access to testing are contributing to disparate COVID-19 infection rates, says Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Karen Glanz

June 4, 2020—Economic inequality may be the best predictor for the outcome of pandemics like COVID-19, says Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Mauro Guillen

May 30, 2020—New social connections are being made in communities impacted by COVID-19 shutdown measures, says Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Francesca Ammon

May 29, 2020—Changes in the organization of work in response to the COVID-19 pandemic could make it easier to rapidly transition to zero-carbon energy systems, says Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Mark Alan Hughes

May 29, 2020— Forbearance measures in the CARES act and the Federal Reserve's commitment to purchasing mortgage-backed securities are working together to stabilize the US housing market, says Penn IUR Co-Director Susan Wachter

May 29, 2020—A large investment in green infrastructure can power the economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, reduce social inequalities, and lower carbon emissions, says Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Daniel Aldana Cohen

May 28, 2020—A six-week virtual course on the #COVID19 pandemic created by Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Mauro Guillen attracted over 2400 students

May 27, 2020—A recent market rally in the US is largely attributable to gains by the tech industry amid COVID-19 stay-at-home orders, says Penn IUR Fellow Mark Zandi

May 27, 2020—Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Laura Perna: With uncertainty facing the higher education system due to the COVID-19 pandemic, resources should be directed to students most at risk of not completing their degrees

May 26, 2020—Real-time data on the disparate impact of the #COVID19 pandemic is drawing unprecedented attention to the obstacles faced by Black and Latinx communities in accessing healthcare, says Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Karen Glanz

May 21, 2020—Penn IUR Fellow Raphael Bostic: Widespread concerns about safety are causing slow business, even in states like Georgia where COVID-19 shutdown measures have been relaxed

May 20, 2020—Penn IUR Fellow Sameh Wahba: Though urban areas face particular challenges in safely managing the COVID-19 pandemic, density remains a key aspect of livable and inclusive cities

May 20, 2020—Penn IUR Fellow Mark Zandi: Facing falling tax revenues and increased demand for services and support programs due to COVID-19, state and local governments could see shortfalls of at least $500 billion through 2022

May 20, 2020—Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Daniel Aldana Cohen: Efforts to incorporate environmental measures into future #COVID19 stimulus proposals may find broader support by focusing on job creation and improving community life

May 20, 2020—Penn IUR Advisory Board member Patrick Brett: The collapse of the state and local government bond market amid the first wave of COVID-19 shutdowns in the US almost triggered the worst financial crisis in decades

May 19, 2020—Penn IUR Scholar Ed Glaeser: Though cities may see depressed activity amid temporary shutdown measures, the appeal of urban areas is likely to outlast the #COVID19 pandemic

May 19, 2020—Penn IUR Co-Director Susan Wachter: As small businesses across the US are forced to close amid the #COVID19 pandemic, larger firms are likely to see an opportunity for expanding their market presence

May 18, 2020—Penn IUR Emerging Scholar Catharine Brinkley: Urban areas have changed shape throughout history to reduce disease transmission, and the response to #COVID19 may make cities more equitable and pedestrian-friendly

May 17, 2020—Penn IUR Faculty Fellows Allison Lassiter and Randall Mason: Faculty at the Weitzman School reflect on their experience moving the spring semester online

Penn IUR Fellow Mark Zandi: More than 100,000 small businesses in the US have closed permanently due to the #COVID19 pandemic, and Zandi predicts that over 1 million "micro firms" with fewer than 10 employees could fail

Penn IUR Scholar Richard Green: The economic effects of the #COVID19 pandemic "will likely have a lingering impact because history tells us that unemployment is traumatizing"

Penn IUR Fellow Paul Levy: To brighten the mood in Center City amid Philadelphia's COVID-19 shutdown measures, Levy facilitated a partnership between Center City District and Mural Arts Philadelphia to launch the "Storefront Artwork Initiative"

Penn IUR Fellow Sameh Wahba: The COVID-19 pandemic is disproportionately impacting the world's most vulnerable city residents, and recovery efforts should focus on reducing urban health and economic disparities

Penn IUR Scholar Richard Florida: While urban universities will survive the COVID-19 pandemic, their role as "anchor institutions" may need to change for the duration of the crisis

Penn IUR Fellow Mark Zandi: Without additional federal support, state and local government services critical to the COVID-19 response may be in danger of exhausting their budgets

Penn IUR Fellow Sheela Patel: The COVID-19 pandemic is only one of the crises facing the world's urban poor, and recovery projects should focus on creating an improved "new normal"

Penn IUR Fellow Mark Zandi: While job losses may begin to slow soon, a return to employment levels before the COVID-19 pandemic may be a long way off

PennIURFellow Laurie Goodman: Changing credit standards amid the #COVID19 pandemic may mean that potential home buyers will fail to secure mortgages

Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Robert Inman: At yesterday's virtual briefing hosted by Volcker Alliance and Penn IUR, Inman discussed the potential shortfalls in state and city budgets caused by the #COVID19 pandemic

Penn IUR Fellow Sameh Wahba: Density may prove to be an asset for cities impacted by the #COVID19 pandemic, but maintaining essential services amid falling revenue will be difficult in the long term, via

Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Erick Guerra: With SEPTA facing at least $300 million in lost revenue through the end of June due to COVID-19 shutdown measures, the agency’s recovery process may be long and slow

Penn IUR Scholar Richard Florida: The best way to protect against supply chain disruptions during the #COVID19 pandemic is by ensuring the safety of essential workers, via @globeandmail

Penn IUR Scholars Richard Florida and Ed Glaeser, Urban Leadership Awardee Bruce Katz, and Urban Link contributor Robert Muggah: Experts weigh in on the future of cities after #COVID19

Penn IUR Faculty Fellows Robert Inman and David Skeel: State and local budgets may suffer a shortfall of $500 billion over the next fiscal year, plus another $65 billion in added healthcare costs

Penn IUR Faculty Fellow David Gouverneur: As students adapt to remote learning in Gouverneur's Urban Design Studio, some digital features are helping preserve the classroom experience

Penn IUR Faculty Fellow David Barnes: Pandemics like COVID-19 often elicit fearful responses, but better information can help mitigate shame and social stigmatization

Penn IUR Co-Director Susan Wachter: Facing the prospect of empty rental units, many landlords are offering deferred payments or reduced rates in cities impacted by COVID-19 shutdown measures

Penn IUR Fellow Sheela Patel: On April 29, Patel joined a panel of experts to discuss how COVID-19 recovery efforts can create cities that are greener, more resilient, and more inclusive

Penn IUR Fellow Elizabeth Kneebone: Despite new federal measures protecting against evictions and providing for expanded unemployment benefits, cost-burdened renters are in danger of housing insecurity as the COVID-19 pandemic continues

Penn IUR Fellow Paul Levy: Facing budgetary shortfalls due to lost revenue, the City of Philadelphia may need to explore new tax strategies

Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Carolyn Cannuscio: Creating a dedicated team of investigators to manage Philadelphia's contact tracing effort twill help the city mitigate future waves of the #COVID19 pandemic, via @whyy

Penn IUR Scholar Edward Glaeser: Cities have always been vulnerable to pandemics, and as in crises of the past, public-health infrastructure improvements will be key to the COVID-19 recovery

Penn IUR Faculty Fellows Fritz Steiner and Robert Yaro: Planning at the megaregion scale may be the best way to contain the #COVID19 pandemic

Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Daniel Aldana Cohen: A Green Stimulus plan can reconstruct the economy in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic while also transitioning the energy sector away from fossil fuels

Penn IUR Faculty Fellow David Barnes: The Lazaretto quarantine facility used by Philadelphia residents throughout the 19th century may offer important lessons for the contemporary healthcare industry

Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Shiriki Kumanyika: Newly released data on COVID-19 infections in Pennsylvania may be obscuring disparities due to a lack of geographical specificity

Penn IUR Co-Director Susan Wachter: If the COVID19 pandemic leads to a recession, the loss in revenue could create a crisis for state and city budgets

Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Dennis Culhane: In cities like New Orleans, homeless residents were already managing multiple crises before the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic

Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Carolyn Cannuscio: To limit the spread of COVID-19 in outdoor spaces, avoid exercising in groups, using public workout equipment, and going out at busy times

Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Susan Wachter: With renters and homeowners under increasing financial strain due to the COVID-19 pandemic, additional government measures may be necessary to prevent a foreclosure crisis

Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Karen Glanz: The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated preexisting social and health disparities, which raises the stakes for addressing the underlying causes of inequality

Penn IUR Scholar Richard Florida: Author Charles Kenny and Florida discuss the historical relationship between urbanization and infectious diseases like COVID-19

Penn IUR Scholar Kathleen Wolf: For city residents under #COVID19 lockdown, even small interactions with the natural world can be beneficial for mental health

Penn IUR Fellow Mark Zandi: A new stimulus package focused on state and local governments and infrastructure projects will help the economy in the short-run, but a full recovery may be a long way off

Penn IUR Fellow Tim Bartik: Failing to contain the COVID-19 pandemic may cause a wave of small-business bankruptcies, which could set the US economy on course for a long recession, via @Salon

Penn IUR Scholar Jesse Rothstein: Keeping workers employed is key to determining how the US economy recovers from the #COVID19 pandemic

Penn IUR Scholar Billy Fleming: A Green Stimulus in response to COVID-19 would help prevent climate catastrophe while ensuring an equitable economic recovery

Penn IUR Faculty Fellow William Burke-White: Noting the parallels between the #COVID19 pandemic and climate change, Burke-White says that governments shouldn't wait for threats to become grave and immediate before taking action

Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Mauro Guillen: To maintain democracy during the #COVID19 pandemic, states should improve voter registration systems, expand mail-in voting, and open polling locations for multiple days

Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Ken Lum: With art galleries closed due to COVID-19, Ken Lum is turning to books

Penn IUR Faculty Fellow Vincent Reina: Though vouchers can help renters weather the storm of COVID-19, a balanced approach including place-based subsidies may offer the best solution in the long-term

Penn IUR